Friday, June 1, 2007

Killing time...

If you've ever driven from Dulles, it can get a little confusing with the various numbered exits and interchanges, plus the split highway and toll roads.  As a reult, I ended up missing the offramp in Reston where I was originally supposed to meet my friend Rayna for dinner.  It was a good thing she couldn't make it though, because I never would've found it after I overshot the exit, and couldn't get off for several miles because of the divided highway.  Also, I don't think I'll ever complain about LA traffic again after driving around DC at rush hour...well, maybe I'll just complain a little every now and then.  The good thing is that I managed to get off at the 123, which is where Tyson's Corner is, and found a nice restaurant there.  I also stopped by the LL Bean and picked up a map, and some bug spray before I headed out to Woodstock -- 2 hours away.

I didn't do much last night other than watch a little TV.  I tried going to bed early, but didn't fall asleep until about midnight local time.  Woke up about 7, then prepared my 6 drop bags -- 4 Points, 770/758, Edinburg Gap, Little Fort, Elizabeth Furnace, and Veach Gap.  My checklist definitely helped a lot, although I realized that I omitted a couple important things on there, but luckily I brought those with me.  What I'll do eventually is transfer everything to a spreadsheet instead (used OmniOutliner initially) so that I can sort/group them by aid station/drop bag to make it a little easier next time.

Just a little while ago, I met Gary, a runner from KS -- we spoke for a bit this morning in the lobby.  We talked about the race this weekend, and some others we've run before, or were planning on doing in the future.  He'd done Heartland in 25-ish hours, and was shooting for sub-24 here -- I think he'll be able to.  I mentioned that if he got to Veach Gap by midnight, that he could walk the remaining 13 miles (mostly road) to finish in time -- he agreed, having a similar goal ETA of 11:30 on his split chart.

Oh...I saw that Keith Knipling won the OD Memorial (17:46) last weekend after an incredible performance (3rd overall) at MMT (21:18) the weekend before -- I wonder how he'll do at OD.  3 100's back-to-back.  Nuts.

Ok, I'm going to drive around town to find a lunch spot, then I'll head over to the checkin to see if anyone's there (it's only about a quarter mile from the hotel).  Pre-race meeting is at 5pm, so I'll be killing more time again later this afternoon.

Forecast for tomorrow is 89 with a 40% chance of t-storms...lovely.

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